First of all Thanks to Lita( )
She has given me The Versatile Blogger badge, and well deserved I might add. I am worth it.
She is the sort who genuinely wants the best for every new blogger. It’s not forced though, it comes natural to her. Cheers Lita.
Now I have to mention seven random things about myself.
1 : I believe Jesus was on a world tour during the missing eighteen years. Not to learn from, but to teach those who would listen. I have reason to believe he was in Ireland.
2 : I am facinated by the spiritual beliefs and understandings of ancient Ireland. I mean thousands of years ago.
3 : I am happiest when I am conversing with people. Or else alone on a mountain or in a forest.
4 : I care for neither fame nor fortune. If you’re happy, I’m happy.
5 : Actions impress me way more than words. Leading by example impresses me.
6 : I can’t watch a mouth to mouth revival scene on telly or in movies.
7 : I am a hypocrite. I am not that good at being Christian. But I kick myself for it each time.
So now I have to pass this on to a few people. I think I am allowed fifteen.
I know there are bloggers who have so many awards that they don’t need another right now, so I have crossed a few off. Also there are those who need encouragement. Then there are those who are simply gifted. And lastly there are those who are too beautiful in their prose for a trucker to appreciate. Blame me if you’re not on the list. Not yourself.
In no particular order (apart from Cheryl who is practically my manager ) This Lady is the wordpress answer to Leonardo Da Vinci. Feel like I knew this lady for years. She was there man! The best short story teller. End of. This young lady is a welcome breath of fresh air. One to watch for the tourist. Up the Irish! Just love this blog. Everything about it. A man’s man. The earth moves for this lady. I like this site. Quirky. And Irish. Thanks for the encouragement. Nice posts here. Half Irish, all talent. Cheers Ana
That’s fifteen. You guys and gals can do the fifteen or less or whatever.
Thank you Lita
Thank you for reading